The trouble with a lost heir or next of kin

Complications can often arise over a lost heir as evidenced in the Ancient Greek myth of the tragedy of Oedipus.
Oedipus was the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes, but was left on a hillside to die, with his feet pinned together, because of a prediction that he would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. However, he was rescued by shepherds and brought up in the Royal Palace of Corinth as the son of King Polybus and Queen Merope.
As a young man Oedipus consulted the Delphic oracle about his future and was told that he would indeed kill his father and marry his mother. Devastated by this news, he left Corinth determined not to be the cause of his father’s death. He eventually travelled to Thebes but on the way he was forced to kill an older man who challenged him on the road (his father, unbeknown to him). Arriving in Thebes he learned of the fearsome Sphinx who was terrorising the city because no one could answer her riddle
“What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?”
He answered it successfully (man throughout his life) and won the hand of the recently widowed queen. Eventually the true story came out and Jocasta hanged herself in despair whilst Oedipus blinded himself and, guided by his two daughters, wandered aimlessly round Greece until he died.
At Kin, we are experts in the field of heir hunters and next of kin, and perhaps if we had been around at the time of Oedipus, such tragedy need not have occurred. Family relations and inheritances can be complicated and it is always wise to use a expert in the field to untangle even the most intricate of connections.

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