Why We Love Gadgets

When it comes to things that really make us happy, it is strange that we can love inanimate objects so much. But when it comes to electronic gadgets we are almost all strangely drawn to the unique, the wacky and the interesting gizmos that we can now find in abundance in shops and all across the web.

So why is it that these novelty gadgets are so intriguing to us? Well, firstly we are always drawn to the unique. For good or for bad, we search out things outside the norm and look to either try to understand them or simply revel in their weirdness. On top of this, when it comes to many of the products we buy, they will all have a specific purpose, and it is somewhat liberating to buy something that we don’t need at all but still offers unique functions that will keep us interested or amused.

Therefore, in many ways novelty gadgets are actually clever distraction techniques. They remove us from the rat race for a small amount of time, and that time is spent achieving nothing. We do not need to use them, and using them will not usually help us achieve anything, and therefore we get the chance to spend time unhindered by having specific needs or goals.

That sounding a bit too heavy? Well,on the flip side,electronic gadgets are simply just fun. Some are also very useful and help us achieve specific tasks,but usually they will be linked in some way to enjoyment,and whether they are practical or not,the ability to have fun using them will almost certainly ensure that we continue to yearn after such items.And as technology advances,novelty gizmos will too, and who knows just how much elaborate fun we’ll be able to have in the future wasting time.Because,let’s be honest–we’d all happily waste that time all over again given another chance.

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