Do We Still Need Business Cards?

In such a technologically advanced aged, you may well be forgiven for thinking that a paper business card should be well and truly dead. After all, the majority of correspondence is done via mobile phone or the internet and it is very rare for us to ever pull out a physical address book anymore – instead, almost all of our contacts will be firmly synced between our computer and mobile, with both often being synced between work and home.

On top of this, there are numerous applications now which make sharing such information with those we may want to do business with far easier. We have social networking sites, Bluetooth sharing, designated apps – so why exactly do we still need business card printing?

The right business card design can do a lot more than simply give people our names and contact details. Whilst we may well be able to share our details with people via our phones, they are likely to get lost amidst thousands of other contact details. Then, when someone comes to need you, they may also have forgotten your name or have forgotten where exactly they saved your details. With business cards you can stand out from a pile. A good business card design can stay in the mind far better than a name can and also serve to set individuals and companies apart at the right time.

On top of this, sharing information digitally can still take time and, when in a rush, the act of handing over a business card will be far easier, meaning even those you may not have had time to speak to can still get your information.

Ultimately, whether they are to be given out or left in a specific place for people to pick up without even needing to talk to you, business card printing is as necessary now as it ever has been.

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