Social media: how personal is too personal?

When entering the world of social media as part of your search engine optimisation plan, it’s important to know what sort of attitude to adopt. Should you keep your business face on, or go in with a more personal manner? For that matter, if you do go personal, how personal should you go? Are there any rules that you should be watching out for?

The answer to this last question is an important one. Of course there are rules, just as there are for any social situation. The difficulty you’ll find is in figuring out how the rules apply to you, and exactly where the line is for your target market.

There have been some spectacular mistakes made with social media marketing attempts, all of which a business can learn from. One of the most well-known is the executive who tweeted that he ‘would rather die than live here’ when on the way to visit his client. Others have been drunken revelations, insensitive references to world tragedies for product launches,

With that in mind, here are some things to consider:

*Some topics are to be avoided. Having ‘huge heavy metal fan’ on your profile makes you seem more human. Having ‘tequila lover’ in your profile, as one marketing guru does, sends a little of the wrong message.

*Judge your jokes carefully. It’s easy to become stilted with humour in social media campaigns, but it’s just as easy to go the other way into something inappropriate. If you find others hesitate to laugh at your jokes in real life, it’s probably a sign you should rein it in on a social campaign.

Above all, consider your market when setting up for social media. It’s a good idea to talk to a social media management company, and you can discuss your concerns about social media optimisation with us at SEO Consult.

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