What Dreams Mean

There has been much speculation over the years as to just what dreams really mean. Some have postulated they are premonitions of the future, some that they are messages from beyond the grave and others that they are the total release of our unconscious minds, telling us more about our true selves than anything in our waking life ever could.

However, more and more it seems that dreams are simply a way for our minds to interpret and more importantly store data. There are two main types of dream – those that occur in REM sleep and those that occur during shallow sleep. Both perform different functions, but almost all scientists would agree that these have nothing to do with seeing the future or unlocking our unconscious mind.

Instead, they help us develop memory by replaying events in a specific way. REM sleep on the other hand offers more bizarre dreams and the ones that are more often remembered. These help us create new neural connections and rearrange our thoughts and memories. On top of this, nightmares at such times help us to be more prepared for any aggressive encounters we may experience in our waking lives.

Ultimately, dreaming, and therefore getting the right amount of sleep, is extremely important to us emotionally. Whether you choose wooden beds or leather beds, what is most important is that you are able to fully relax and experience even levels of both shallow sleep and REM sleep.

Choosing wooden beds or leather beds is often a choice made solely on price or looks, but the right bed and the right sleeping environment can help us develop emotionally and ensure we have strong neural connections, improving everything from memory to our ability to solve problems.
So whilst dreams may not be mystical, they are far more important than many of us realise.

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