Help Choosing a Cordless Drill

Cordless drills are becoming more and more popular. They deliver the same functionality as a traditional drill but with an important advantage: they are cordless. So, if there is no outlet nearby, you can continue to drill holes or drill in screws to your heart’s content.

It isn’t an understatement to suggest that cordless tools are revolutionary. When you think about, it’s pretty hard to see how many building projects where completed before they were invented. What if you’re building a house that doesn’t yet have an electricity hook-up – a logistical nightmare ensues.

Whether you are a professional or a keen diy-er a cordless drill should be an important part of your toolbox. If you are a professional the chances are you know already what makes a good cordless drill, however if you are a keen amateur you might need to know what to look for:

We could go into the nuts and bolts of what makes a great drill, however in the final analysis it mostly comes down to how it feels for you. Ill-weighted cordless drills will be a headache to use, and often people have different preferences as to what kind of drill feels better in the hand.

Saying that, however, there are definitely certain specific things that you should look out for, when choosing your next drill.

Power tools are all about voltage. In regards to drills a higher voltage means a better rpm, which translates into stronger drilling. If you plan on putting your drill
through its paces, then you should look at voltage first and foremost.

Some drills give you the option of a couple of speeds. Whilst these kinds of drills might be a bit more expensive, the versatility that they offer can be very valuable.

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