Asset labels have many uses

The development of asset labels has been a great asset in many areas of business. They come in various shapes, sizes and materials but all will contain vital information in allowing for an asset to be identified.

Internal and external audit

In order to maintain a fixed asset register it is necessary for each asset to be clearly labeled for easy identification, and this will have the additional benefit of increasing security. Laptops are very portable assets and many companies have a policy of supplying computers that are the same make and model. An asset label or ‘tag’ will allow for immediate identification of the asset and will deter anybody from purloining it. These labels can also have an electronic chip attached to them so that the security level is increased further. The laptops may contain highly confidential information, and if they should not be removed from the building, the label with a chip will prevent this, as when passing detectors at the doors of buildings the alarm will be activated.

Tamper resistant labels

Some assets are small enough, but of sufficiently high value to attract the thief, and these need to be safely marked. Placing a label on the asset which if removed will just fragment, thus making its removal impossible, can do this. These are very useful for highly portable assets.

Foil laminated labels

Not so long ago it was possible to walk through an engineering workshop and try and read the specifications on a lathe, a mill or a CAD die cutting machine. After much wiping of the metal plate, using all kinds of cleaning materials the wording can still not be read. The application of a foil-laminated label will prevent this struggle. The label will be coated in a permanent acrylic adhesive that will allow for the label to remain clean and will not permit oils etc to adhere to them

The type of label, its design and the information placed thereon is a matter of choice, but the labels are now so adaptable that should you wish to add a bar code for extra security that can be done. provides asset labels. We provide high quality products to the government and other UK companies at a great price. Visit our site for asset labels for your business.

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