Emphysema Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatments

Emphysema symptoms are apparent characteristics of respiratory problems that can reveal now and again, or at times, it could be consistent. The indications of emphysema, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may often be disregarded but could actually be severe and deadly.

Emphysema Defined
Emhpysema is a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease may cause the air sacs in the lungs to weaken, resulting in difficulty breathing and reduced lung capacity. In the USA, 3.7 million citizens are reported to have emphysema. Emhpysema is widespread to people at ages 45 and above.

Breathlessness, one of the major emphysema symptoms, is often brought on by smoking cigarettes. Risks of developing emphysema increase with continued tobacco use. Nonsmokers having emphysema are rare cases that originate from an inherited deficit of alpha-1 antitrypsin, a protein produced by the liver in order to protect lung tissue. Even so, exposure to air pollution, secondhand smoke, chemical toxins and dust can promote development of emphysema for nonsmokers.

If not dealt with, emphysema symptoms will progress as time pass and can reach its critical stage. Advisable treatments for emphysema consist of the use of bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs, quitting smoking as well as applying pulmonary rehabilitations that include breathing exercises and coughing. With a change in lifestyle such as steering clear of cold air and respiratory irritants, staying away from using tobacco, regular exercise, cleaning hands and the like, progression of the disease could be stunted. Some other risks and further emphysema symptoms can likewise be avoided from developing with such change in lifestyle.

Contributing Factors for the Development of Emphysema

There are some things that tend to increase the likelihood of acquiring emphysema. Here are some list of these risk factors:
. Over exposure to dust particle chemical fumes or air pollution;
. Jobs associated with working with coal, textiles, or livestock;
. Family background of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency;
. Preexisting respiratory disorder; and
. Smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke.

General Characteristics of Emphysema

Difficulty or breathing and shortness of breath; these are the most usual emphysema symptoms you will note in a person with such a condition. Other common symptoms are chest pain, coughing out clear to yellowish discharge, a whistling sound upon breathing or wheezing, tachypnea or rapid and shallow breaths, clubbing of finger and toes as a result of thickening of tissues underneath nail beds, and low energy. Apart from the common signs of illness, there’s also severe emphysema symptoms which are symptoms of more fatal illnesses. These fatal warning signs include:
. Breathing or respiratory disorders such as choking, stopping from breathing, etc.
. Alterations in alertness or consciousness level like unresponsiveness or passing out; and
. Discoloration of fingernails and lips;
. Tachycardia or increased heart rate

Emphysema Treatment

Managing Emphysema starts with seeking medical advice from your doctor. Improve the individual’s breathing is the ultimate objective of treatment solution by starting with the different therapy. But serious stages that don’t respond to such therapies is going to take a surgical resection or lung transplant.

“Prevention is better than cure” as we say.”

Possible risks of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and emphysema symptoms can be minimized by avoiding risk factors or by simply following the following pointers:
. Drink lots of water or fluids;
. Have plenty of sleep and exercise;
. Avoid cold air;
. Take all prescribed medications; and
. Get rid of irritants at home such as fireplace dust, smoke or fumes

In case you are encountering any emphysema symptoms outlined in this post, seek the assistance of your medical doctor right away.

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