Water softeners can save you money

Many people live in hard water areas and this can cause severe issues in terms of lime scale build up. Also this type of water can be very distasteful to drink, and thus the use of water softeners that will filter the water before consumption is a common use.

Water softening units

Water softening units can be a permanent fitting in your home and can be electronically powered. They have a filter present through which the water will be passed and this will extract the calcium and other minerals that create what is known as hard water. The units do not need to be fitted by a plumber and are extremely cheap to run. If you feel that you do not need a unit of this type, you can use tablets that you can place in the water that will neutralize the hard elements present. Some people will pass their water through a filter jug before using the water.

What is the damage of hard water?

Hard water can be beneficial to some people in that it is a source of calcium intake, but in general most people do not need this. The true damage is to the plumbing. A water softener should not be used on lead pipes, but other than that they can be used in all plumbing areas. The hard water will cause the pipes to ’fur up’ and over time this will narrow the internal diameter of the pipe and stop the water from flowing freely. If this happens, not only can it do immense damage to your hot water boiler, but will make your central heating malfunction. Washing machines and dishwashers depend on a strong and regular flow of water. If that water is hard water then possibly the pipes will be furred up and the consequence is that the internal workings of the machine will cease to operate. In swimming pools it is absolutely vital to filter water, as if the pumps should fail due to hard water, then the costs that will ensue are such that you do not wish to talk about them.

Hard water in almost all cases should be eradicated and there are good methods available to do so.

When looking for Water Softeners and limescale prevention you needn’t look any further than scaleshark.co.uk, as we can provide a fantastic range of products to solve this problem.

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