Cover Up Tattoos

How to cover up tattoos

A tattoo is a permanent inked design which is injected under the top layer of skin, known as the dermis. Tattoos are extremely popular at the moment and tend to follow trends of being in or out of fashion. They are also described as being addictive and many people fail to stop at having just one. With the only limit on the design in question being the imagination or talent of the artist in question it is little wonder that they remain universally popular with many people of both genders, all ages and many social backgrounds favouring them.

Why Would They Be Covered

Whilst having a tattoo undoubtedly seems like a good idea at the time there are those who go on to regret the design. Many people have something which is very fashionable at the time and in turn can become dated. Others favour the name of a person who means a great deal to them and unfortunately this is not a lasting affection. For many more there is simply the factor that just because they liked something at age 20 does not mean it will still be appropriate to them or liked by them by the time they reach middle age. For this reason many people choose to either have their tattoos permanently removed by laser treatment although this is an expensive, long winded and painful process. A much simpler way of ridding yourself of a tattoo is to have it temporarily covered with specially formulated make up.

The make-up technique is also favoured by those who generally enjoy and like displaying their tattoos but feel they are inappropriate for a certain event such as a wedding.

The Make Up

Tattoo covering make up is generally a lot different from traditional make ups as it provides a long lasting solution which whilst easily removed with the correct formula or removal wipes is not easily rubbed off. This is favourable as it means added protection for clothing which might be marked or damaged by the stain of rubbed on makeup and also goes to ensure that the tattoo remains covered for the duration of the period required.

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Looking for makeup to Cover Up Tattoos? is a website selling innovative makeup products that are specially designed for coving up tattoos, acne and much more; Visit us today for more info!

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