What to Look for in Fine Art Prints

Canvas prints are great for immortalising beautiful works of art. For people who would like to showcase their favourite works in their home but don’t have the budget to stretch to original pieces, art canvas prints are a great option. But not all prints are equal. There are various things that shoppers should look for before committing to purchase fine art prints.

• Type of Canvas
Fine art prints should be printing on a canvas that will be able to withstand years of wear. Most commonly, they are printed on linen or cotton. Linen is generally more hardwearing and therefore more expensive, but both are perfect for showing off timeless pieces of artwork. Art printed on any other type of canvas should be looked at before a purchase is made.

• Type of Ink
A good quality canvas print should last a lifetime. Some lower priced art canvas prints are only printed using ink jet printer inks, which will last a few years at best. For maximum longevity, fine art prints should be printed using high quality, archival inks. Good quality inks will turn canvas prints into treasures that can be enjoyed for decades to come.

• Pricing
Shoppers should avoid rushing into buying art canvas prints at the cheapest prices. It’s likely that they will be of poor quality and have limited durability. Good art galleries should offer prints in a range of prices that reflect their quality and collectability. Some also have hidden costs, like shipping, which can eat into an art budget. Artisan Galleries offer free shipping worldwide.

In order to be certain about the quality of fine art prints, it’s always best to look at the print in person before a purchase is made. Art lovers can visit one of Artisan’s galleries to see their range of beautiful art canvas prints for themselves.

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