Protecting Your Tools

Power tools are at the forefront of a brand new wave of rural crime. Criminals are targeting both businesses and private residences to steal huge quantities of expensive products and this trend is fast becoming one of the biggest problems facing those in rural areas.

But why such a rise in the number of thefts of power tools?

Ultimately, the retail value of such products can remain quite high, even when second hand. On top of this, everything from air tools to the simplest cutting implements are often not considered to be of value to the owners in the same way that cars, bikes and electrical equipment are. Therefore, many people, businesses included, will happily leave such items out on display and completely unprotected, meaning they are the perfect target for those looking for a high value commodity to sell on.

It is not only the cutting tools and air tools that are left out that can be targeted. Since the majority of the most expensive items will be kept in sheds, many of which will not be attached to the house and may well be placed well out of sight, thieves will easily be able to target sheds with fairly minimal risk and can be almost certain that they will find something of worth.

Therefore, whether you have cutting tools or the most expensive drills on the market, making sure that you protect your tools is going to be integral. The best approach is to keep them locked up whenever they are not being used in a space that will be hard to break into and a place where it is easy to ensure that the tools stay out of sight of prying eyes.

Tool thefts are crimes of opportunity and ease and simply removing that ease and taking away easy opportunities may well be enough to easily protect all of your tools.

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