Hosted call recording/hosted predictive dialler

Improve call centre efficiency and productivity

All kinds of different businesses use call centres. One the one hand they are used to provider customer support and assistance, but they are also used to make outbound calls to drive new business and sales. Either way managing these centres is a big undertaking and organisations are always looking for ways to make them more effective and efficient.

Making huge numbers of outbound calls takes up a lot of time. A hosted predictive dialler takes the labour out of it. Agents don’t have to dial the numbers themselves so can get through far more calls, making more productive use of their time. And the beauty of a hosted system is that nothing needs to be installed or maintained in house. No wonder more and more organisations are starting to invest in a hosted predictive dialler system for making outbound calls. Sales teams can achieve better results and exceed their targets without the need to increase headcount.

Whether agents are making sales or providing customer support they need to be monitored. These calls are governed by all kinds of legislation like financial regulations for example. Companies must ensure that their staff are adhering to all of the rules and regulations. The best way to do this is with hosted call recording.

By investing in hosted call recording companies can make regular quality checks to ensure legal criteria are being met. These recordings might highlight training issues. If agents are making mistakes they can be easily rectified with some additional training.

Magnetic North are helping all kinds of organisations adopt these systems with startling results. They are improving efficiency and productivity as well as seeing their sales revenues increase and customer satisfaction scores improve. Perhaps it’s time to review current arrangements and consider doing things a little differently? It’s a simple investment that can have huge payback.

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