Securing Your Files With SFTP Hosting

There have been plenty of high profile instances recently where a network that was considered to be infallibly secure has been hacked into. Even government organisations are not safe from the potential of being hacked or succumbing to a virus. The events have served to highlight that security is an ongoing fight, and this also includes confidentiality and the right to privacy. Even signing up to some websites can make information publicly available that you might have assumed would remain private.

Sftp hosting aims to provide you with a secure data transfer solution that is not going to let you down. In the digital age, almost all of us live a large chunk of our lives online, but this isn’t to say that we relinquish the need for security and security options. When using dedicated servers for hosting, there is no room for errors or misjudgements that might release sensitive information into the wider realm. Sftp hosting should ideally offer flexibility by design, after all, there might be some information you want to make public. Employee profiles, for instance, could yield more information internally than externally.

The data transfer between your organisation and dedicated servers should ideally be quicker as well as safer and more affordable than courier services. Premium sftp solutions like this should not have an upper limit on file sizes, nor should they restrict the types of files being sent, but they should offer convenient ways to upload through either a secure application or even a web browser. Ultimately, it should dispense with the need to send files that are attached to emails, for this is an area fraught with problems and unreliability. Compatibility with existing ftp solutions should also be mandatory, since you don’t want your company to lose any know-how or variety in the way that you work.

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