Finding the Right Candidate for a Job

A great deal is written about how to go about finding the right job and how to present oneself to employers in the right way. However, for the employers themselves, there is very little to go on as to how to go about finding the right candidate for a job.

The problem is exacerbated when the role that needs filling is in an area such as occupational health since, with people’s health and safety at stake, getting someone who knows exactly what they are doing is going to be even more important.

Therefore, if you have health and safety vacancies to fill, it is important that you don’t just settle for the best of a bad bunch, but instead actively look to find the perfect person for the role.

The easiest way to do this is to use a recruitment agency. The whole point of creating health and safety jobs is to have someone on hand who knows exactly what needs to be done in terms of occupational health. This means that you might not know every area that needs to be focussed on yourself and therefore, in interview scenarios, you might not be able to assess the knowledge of an applicant as much as you might like.

A recruitment agency on the other hand will be able to do just that, ensuring that each and every candidate they put forward is going to be right for the health and safety vacancies you have.

A final benefit of using a recruitment agency is that you can make the recruitment process a great deal shorter, meaning that any fees you might pay should you choose one of their candidates to take one of your health and safety jobs are likely to be cancelled out by the money you save in having a shorter interview process.

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