Ensuring Compliance With Your Protocols

The difficulty with integrating a different company with your own through contracting always raises the issue of health and safety, because the protocols that you abide by are not necessarily shared by the contractor. Of course, this raises the issue that when an accident happens, the parent company becomes liable because they didn’t ensure the proper health and safety procedures were in place on their own property. The way to avoid this could be to invest in online health and safety training. There are some companies now offering this service that can offer massive benefits over the previous method of using a teacher in front of a class. The old format can actually be quite demeaning to many workers who thought they’d left their school days well behind them.

Online induction can allow the contracting company workers to learn at their own pace and get up to speed. You can make sure they have the proper knowledge which is then on record. This process will mitigate the risk if an accident does happen. If the contracted company supposedly knew of the safety concerns then it really shouldn’t have happened. Online health and safety training can also be managed in multiple different ways and can be accessed by the head of a particular department who can then delegate the online induction to the right workers. Ensuring that the right worker gets the right test is obviously going to be imperative.

The same can be said for new employees who require a rapid induction process. Online health and safety can benefit them massively because you already have a refined training course ready to go. This will ultimately be a cost saving measure and should ensure the safety of your employees, whether they are contracted or not. The test can also be adapted for interviewing.

The Article is written by www.rapidinduct.co.uk/pages/solutions/trainingMatrix.asp providing Training Matrix Software and Health And Safety Training Matrix. Visit http://www.rapidinduct.co.uk/pages/solutions/trainingMatrix.asp for more information on www.rapidinduct.co.uk/pages/solutions/trainingMatrix.asp Products and Services___________________________Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links and this copyright statement must be included. Visit www.rapidinduct.co.uk/pages/solutions/trainingMatrix.asp for more services!

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