Creating luxury bathroom suites

We’d all love to have truly beautiful bathroom suites. If you’re creating one from scratch to your own design or planning a major renovation you have an ideal chance to create something that’s attractive, functional, and provides that little extra element of decadence in your home. After all, if you can’t enjoy a bit of luxury in the privacy of your own bathroom, where can you?

The essential elements of all bathroom suites are the same- a bath or shower, cabinets, and toilet. A bath isn’t necessarily more luxurious than a shower. These days modern power showers can provide a massage after a long day at work or a hard workout in the gym, make it easy to remember your favourite temperature and pressure settings, and even be hot and ready when you step through the door in the morning.

Quality cabinets are easy to select and here you can let your sense of style make the decisions. Good ones should be sturdy and easy to clean, but beyond that a cabinet is a cabinet and they all do much the same job. That can also be said of most toilets. What adds the luxury dimension to a bathroom is the details- the bathroom radiators, towel rails, mirrors, and tiling.

Fixed bathroom radiators can put an end to cold feet on the even colder floor in winter. If you do have a bath rather than a shower, installing radiators will make taking a long, relaxed bath an altogether more pleasant experience by removing the chill from the air even on the coldest nights.

Taps and fittings are also important. These small objects have a disproportionately large impact on the overall look and feel of the bathroom. Choose chrome fittings where possible, because they’ll hold their shine far better than fittings coated with other metals.

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