Eco Friendly Office Tips

Few businesses can afford the luxury of lavish costs or unethical environmental habits. In an economy where the majority of businesses see at least some sharks circling, a few small changes can make a big difference both environmentally and financially.

1.    Fuel Cards – Reducing the costs of a vehicle fleet by even a fraction can reap great rewards in the long-run. The simple billing format of most fuel card providers also helps in the process of accurate client billing and budgetary considerations. The reduction on fraud potential is also an attractive benefit.
2.    Go Paper Free – Small business and giant corporations alike can benefit from the eradication of paper, printers and associated power. Whilst going 100% paper free is sometimes not a workable solution, putting a few practices in place to eradicate unnecessary paper and print use is pertinent to both the environment and the books.
3.    Opt for Commercial Gas and Electricity – In terms of savings, commercial gas and electricity suppliers can offer long-term fixed rate schemes (very attractive in an economy where gas prices have risen by 40% in two months!) Some ethical business gas and electricity suppliers also offer Carbon Resource Management services, sourcing carbon emissions credits from developing countries via ethical partnerships and incentives.
4.    A good business gas and electricity policy is complimented significantly by mindful employee habits. Powering down computers etc (rather than leaving them on standby), turning off lights (fitted with low energy bulbs), and installing efficient heating (which also avoids the never-ending seasonal drone of the power hungry electric heaters!) are all energy-saving, environmentally ethical steps towards emissions and cost reductions.
5.    Reducing overall waste within a business environment can cover everything from recycling paper and plastic to banning paper cups or using the notepad function on the computer rather than pen and paper.

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