Write what you want to see, screenwriter says

There are many people desperate to break into the world of screenwriting. The profession offers a range of tantalizing opportunities and the chance for enthusiasts to pursue a career they love.

Addressing such hopefuls, one man who has made it in the world of screenwriting has offered tips on the issue of how to write a script.

Speaking to Variety magazine, Travis Beacham revealed that he started out at the North Carolina School of the Arts.

While there, he wrote a piece entitled Killing on Carnival Row, which he sent off to a recent graduate who was working in a production company. All the novice wanted was to get some feedback, but he subsequently received a phone call from the individual, who said to him: “You’re going to be getting some phone calls soon … but I can’t really say much about it.”

Following this, a series of agents, managers and producers rang him and now he is one of the most sought after writers at studio tentpole films.

Commenting on how to write a script, he suggested people should put down ideas using their screenwriting software related to what they themselves would like to see in the cinema.

“It seems so cliched and obvious, but write the movie you want to see in the theater,” he remarked.

Mr Beacham has been involved in many projects that have seen him use his screenwriting software. Recently he sold an original treatment-screenplay to Legendary Pictures for Pacific Rim.

Talking about the venture, he said: “It’s probably the most excited I’ve ever been for any movie, including the ones I’ve written and the ones I haven’t written. I’m totally psyched to be sitting in a movie theater and see it up on a screen.”

Meanwhile, before this in May 2006, he was involved in writing the Warner Bros remake of Clash of the Titans.

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