EMDR training needs to be hands on

Extreme trauma has a lasting impact on the mind a well as a person’s mental well being. And it isn’t like this simply goes away over time. The memory of the event that triggered the trauma keeps coming back to cause extreme distress. Keeping that person in a vicious loop of psychological disturbance. It’s upsetting and frustrating.

Therapy is the answer to this and it can take many forms. One of the most exciting areas of this field today is EMDR which has been proven to lessen the impact of these thoughts and memories until they can be recalled without distress. It works on the basis that eye movements can reduce the intensity of disturbance that these traumatic thoughts bring on. First discovered in 1987 it has gone on to become an important field.

Therapists interested in this method need to attend EMDR training to learn about the techniques involved to make successful interventions. These take the form of EMDR workshops. After all, what good is a load of theory if it cannot be applied properly. Any reputable and effective course contains a large element of practical and hands on training so that attendees can really get to grips with the techniques and methods involved.

EMDR works are the UK’s leading EMDR training provider. Here delegates attending training courses get access to the very best practitioners of this technique. All courses are run by fully qualified experts in training centres around the country. No matter where therapists are based, there is an EDMR workshop taking place within easy reach.

Having attended one of these sessions, attendees are well equipped to make better and more effective interventions with their patients. Armed with new techniques they can get to work right away to help ease the pain of psychological trauma and help people get their lives back on track.

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