Link building strategies: past, present and future

Link building is a major part of optimisation. A few years ago, mass link purchasing was an option, but this practice has been outlawed by the search engines. While every site is different, the pursuit of inbound links is now generally best performed via organic techniques. However, the sphere of search is in perpetual motion. Hence it may well be that different strategies come to the fore in the time to come.

At we devise and implement site-specific campaigns. Despite the diversity of our tactics, we always ensure that we adhere to the ethical frameworks maintained by the search engines. In addition, we respect the informal rules which govern acceptable and appreciated commercial behaviour on the social media networking sites.

Some consultancies still persist in exchanging money for links. Their link building techniques are unlikely to prosper. Firstly, their efforts may be detected and punished by the search engines. Secondly, their efforts will not have improved the condition of the site so that any extra traffic is likely to be unimpressed by what is on offer. Such firms are taking unnecessary and ill-judged liberties with the financial prospects of their unlucky clients.

Consultancies which base their tactics on the status quo are somewhat better. They tend to get links by gradually improving site content. Their goal is to make their sites ones which others wish to link to. Authority is built up over time. Work is done to make sure that the sites in question are navigable. Transaction processes are smoothed and simplified. If making a purchase is problematic, users will go elsewhere and their handy comments will dry up.

Such consultancies also take care to enhance their chances of obtaining high quality links by conducting social media campaigns. This means that they use the likes of Facebook and Twitter to track down their target audiences and discover more about them. However, such work has to be done with delicacy. Social updates have to be planned with care and tweets have to be spaced out properly.

If the basics are done right, inbound links can be sought in more imaginative fashion. Holding competitions, guest blogging and forum participation all work well. Nonetheless, which techniques should be used and when can only be assessed by looking at the needs of the business in question. A competition has to be thought through carefully. Participation can be encouraged by giveaways, special offers and so on. This means that there is planning to be done. Not every online business is in a position where this kind of strategy makes a great deal of sense.

Looking to the future is an essential part of optimisation. The evolution of mobile search is a major trend which is currently developing momentum. There is no point in making difficulties out of things which have not happened yet. However, failing to be aware of things going forward may leave a site behind some of its rivals. It may be that content-based link acquisition will have to use fewer words and be more subtle when more people are using mobile devices.

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