Learn more about over 50s life cover

It’s only natural when reaching a milestone decade like your fifties that thoughts of what could happen to your loved ones after you’re gone might come to mind. It could be an unfortunate reality that your loved ones could struggle with some of the financial burdens which follow your death. With over 50s life cover though, a lump sum of money is paid out upon the death of the policyholder which could be used to help with these.

An Engage Mutual over 50 life cover plan is specifically designed for those between fifty and eighty years of age. By having this kind of plan in place, you can have some peace of mind, knowing there will be something left behind when you are gone which could be used to pay towards funeral costs, unpaid bills, or could even be a small nest egg for your family.

Our over 50 plan is designed to be straightforward and acceptance is guaranteed for any UK resident aged between 50-80, with no medical required. It is simply designed to pay a lump sum to your loved ones after your death, with a range of premiums available depending on the level of cover you require and your budget. Depending on the premiums paid before your death, you may pay more in than is paid out and our over 50s plan has no cash in value at any time.

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