Understanding Foreign Law

Whilst it is easy enough to know the laws that govern one’s own country, knowing what laws are enforced abroad is a whole different ball game. As such, when dealing with businesses in another country, not only will understanding their laws help you to avoid anything that could land you in trouble, but it will also ensure that you do not put off prospective clients by suggesting something that to them will be unlawful.

Therefore, when dealing with clients in another country, it is wise to ensure that any translation agency you choose to prepare documents for you has an idea of the culture and country you are tailoring a document towards as well as a general idea of the laws that govern them.

Whilst they are unlikely to be legal practitioners themselves, the very best translation agency will have a good grasp of not only what is actually illegal but also the things that are simply frowned upon in another culture. As such, they may well be able to offer advice on changes to make or simply tailor the document to make it more appealing for your target audience and ensure that the phrasing doesn’t lead them to believe that you plan on undertaking some form of illicit dealings.

Of course, you cannot rely totally on a translation company to ensure you stick to the law in another country. Whilst they may have a good overview of foreign laws, most likely having spent a great deal of time in these foreign countries or having done a great deal of research on them, there will be more obscure laws that they may not know about. Therefore, taking the time to research your own area of industry in the said foreign country is likely to go a long way too. Combined with finding the right translation company, researching your own industry could give you a far better chance of not losing clients needlessly or getting in to trouble through no fault of your own.

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