That old phone could be a nice cash bonus.

Have you got an old mobile phone or two lying around at home? Not sure what to do with them? You don’t want to throw them away, because you know that’s no good given the toxic components inside. Also, admit, you’re kind of attached to them. Seems a shame to get rid of them.

OK, so what if I told you you exchange those phones for cash? Sounds good, but are you still wondering about the ethical aspect? You’d like the money, but you want to make sure the phones are recycled or disposed of safely without harming the environment. Well let me tell you, it’s the perfect solution. Mobile phone recycling companies do just that. They pay cash for your handset, recycle what they can from the handset and any materials that cannot be re-used are expertly and safely disposed of.

Mobile phone recycling couldn’t be simpler. If you have an old phone, just grab your laptop and get online. All you need to do then is type the phone model number where prompted and you will get an instant quote for its cash value. If you are happy to proceed, confirm and you will be send a prepaid envelope so you can send your old phone in. Exchanging phones for cash really is that simple. Soon a cheque or direct payment into your bank account will be winging its way to you. With a just a few mouse clicks you’ve contributed to the well being of the planet and made yourself a little (or maybe even large) cash bonus. Just think what you could do with that money. Treat yourself to those new jeans you’ve been wanting for a while, or what about a nice meal out with a friend or partner? Have a look round at home right now. There might be a phone tucked away somewhere that you can turn into a nice cash bonus.

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