Introducing Your Puppy To A New Baby

If you have a new puppy and you’re about to have a new baby too, you may be wondering how the two new addictions to your family are going to get along. Some people may fear that a dog will hurt the child. If you are worried about introducing your puppy to a new baby, here are some tips.

First, make sure that you have chosen a happy, healthy puppy. If the dog is coming into the family before the baby, you should make sure that he comes from a home or a shelter where he was well looked after and given proper dog nutrition. This way you run less risk of bringing disease, fleas, or other unsanitary things into your home when you are bringing home your new baby.

Next, make sure that puppy is happy and settled before bringing home the baby. If you are expecting the baby within a few days of bringing the puppy home, it might be wise for mother and infant to stay with a friend or relative until the puppy is more acclimated into his new home. Mother and baby will probably also be happier if they are able to get some peace and quiet away from pets for the first few weeks of bonding together.

When you are ready to introduce the puppy to the baby, it might be wise to do so on neutral ground. For instance, if you introduce puppy to baby in your home, do so in a common room such as the lounge rather than the room where puppy eats or sleeps. This way he may feel less threatened by the baby’s presence.
Speak to your puppy softly, encouraging it to sniff and look at the new baby, but being sure to give it special attention. Offer it treats and make sure to play with puppy extra in the next few weeks so he won’t be jealous.

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