Using social media with skill

Sometimes social media optimization is performed poorly due to an odd reason. Familiarity with using the social networking sites for social purposes can lead to confusion when it comes to exploiting the same sites on a commercial basis. Social interaction on Facebook or Twitter among friends is not instructive in relation to making money via these popular networks. The type of casual interaction that is used by ordinary people is not the same as the targeted work necessary for business success.

At SEO Consult we are experienced consultants who have the ability to fuse conventional search engine optimization with work on the social networking sites. Unlike some social media services, we know the difference between genuine interaction from a business perspective and unprofessional interventions that lead to complications in the future.

The diverse social networking sites are similar in as much as the kind of behaviour which gets positive results has to conform to unwritten codes. For example, on Twitter few users are impressed by automated direct messages. Likewise they appreciate it when tweets are spaced out properly. In addition, nobody likes their stream being clogged with too much self-promotional content. Furthermore, the majority of users like genuine interaction which treats them like humans.

Nonetheless, the genuine interaction has to have a purpose and it must be strategic. The social networking sites can provide one with detailed information regarding the tastes, interests and locations of a target audience. However, it can lead to lots of time being wasted if used inappropriately. It is important to concentrate on making each social update relevant to the overall goal. If too many are careless and not focused properly, a campaign will not gather the momentum it might otherwise have done.

One problem can slow down the progress of a campaign which is unfocused. Some users of the social media networking sites are engaged in political campaigns, personal crusades or friendship seeking. It can be difficult to negotiate past these individuals as they can try to latch on to you. By being courteous but professional it is feasible not to waste time in unproductive ‘conversations.’

It is also the case that a campaign can get into trouble for reasons specific to the type of social networking site in question. A Facebook campaign can fail to include interesting enough stuff on a Fan page. A Twitter campaign can lose it way because the wrong people were followed in the first place. For example, a follow-back principle might come unstuck if followers add little to campaign momentum. Due to the rules of Twitter, there are limits on followed numbers unless the correct ratio of followed to followers is adhered to. If you were using Twitter just for fun this rule would be no constraint on your activities.

Commercial use of ‘the social’ can be highly effective when it comes to achieving the acquisition of relevant inbound links. The likes of Facebook and Twitter can publicise site updates. However, if the site is not prepared sufficiently for conversion rate optimization many of the strenuous efforts will be for nothing.

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