When training in EMDR is needed, look no further

Overcoming psychological trauma can often take a very long time. This might have been caused after a particularly violent encounter which even took a while for the physical scars to fully heal. No matter why this happened, there are ways forward for such individuals especially as the EMDR workshops which we run are able to help.

Through Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), the physical trauma which has been experienced can be lessened as a direct result. Choosing EMDR in the UK needn’t be difficult especially when the subjects covered in our workshops are able to help in whatever way possible. Within groups of no more than twelve people, the trainees will be able to use their own personal experience in order to progress their learning. This could be a traumatic memory which has been witnessed first-hand and this can then be applied to the protocol.

EMDR workshops run over the course of seven days and there are four parts to them. Such subjects include a basic understanding of dissociation, how to deal with sexual and other childhood abuse as well as how to cope with affect-tolerance problems. By the end of EMDR workshops, ten hours of the required twenty hours would have been passed in order to gain full accreditation of being an EMDR UK and Ireland Association and EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner. In order for the remaining hours to be achieved, it is recommended that they are acquired outside of the workshop. Although this is not compulsory, it is recommended largely because it will mean that you’ll be fully accredited.

If you would like to find out more information, contact us. We are able to answer all queries that are posed to us especially as the knowledge which we have accumulated continues to benefit the lives of many.

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