Commitment You Can Trust

With Valentine’s Day approaching, you may be thinking of getting married or booking a honeymoon. Unfortunately, life doesn’t care what you’ve got planned and a broken washing machine or car accident can mean all your hard-earned savings are gone in an instant leaving you no cash left. If you’ve had bad credit in the past, banks will be unwilling to give you a loan so you may think that you are stuck. However, there is another option. Amigo Loans provide unsecured personal loans to people who have bad or no credit. The only condition is that you have a friend or family member who is willing to act as your guarantor. If they don’t believe that you will be capable of paying the loan back, then they won’t put themselves forward.

Amigo Loans firmly believe that this brand of unsecured personal loans works much better than simply relying on a computer system that doesn’t know you from Adam to decide if you are suitable for a loan or not. Instead, they rely on a more personal approach, looking at a person’s social score rather than their credit score. If your friends and family trust you, then so do they. This allows them to provide loans of anywhere between £500 and £5,000 quickly and easily.

So, if you think that you’re going to have to push back that wedding or honeymoon in the UK because the bank has turned you down, then you can think again. What’s more, Amigo Loans don’t charge early settlement fees like many other lenders. So, if you find that you’re able to pay more off than in your original agreement, or even that you can pay it all off, you won’t get penalised for doing so. Pay back as much as you want, when you want.