Florist supplies from Excelsior Wholesale

Excelsior Wholesale are one of the UKs leading companies providing florist supplies. They are always aiming high and are passionate about what they do. It’s this dedication that means their client base is always growing.


If you’re looking for quality florist supplies Excelsior Wholesale are perfect for you. Their product range includes:

Wedding items
Dried products
Oasis floral products
Basket ware


These are just some of the florist supplies you’ll find being offered from this consistently great company.


Excelsior is a Latin word meaning “ever upward” and really does describe the kind of company Excelsior Wholesale are. They are always trying to better themselves and their products so that all their customers are happy. If you can’t find the florist supplies you’re looking for on their site, don’t hesitate tot contact them. Their friendly, helpful staff are always on hand to help you find whatever it is you’re looking for.


They have a wealth of experience in the industry and it’s this experience that means that they are some of the best providing florist supplies today.


On top of their florist supplies Excelsior Wholesale also have a vineyard where they have grown British vines for years. They have taken on board advise from professionals up and down the UK to ensure that they only thing that they are growing is the highest quality. At the Buzzard Valley vineyard there are also several lakes which provide ample opportunity for keen fisherman to join in with competitions or just relax in a scenic area.


At Excelsior Wholesale they don’t just offer great florist supplies. They can provide for any kind of florist application. It’s because of this that Excelsior Wholesale have an “ever upward” reputation, and they aim to keep that growth alive. If you have any questions about their products and services, don’t hesitate to contact them.



Florist supplies by Visit their website today if you’re looking for florist sundries.