Content fit for the social age

In the past, some article writing was aimed at search engines more than users. Today that strategy rarely leads to a successful campaign. The focus can no longer be placed so directly on getting links. Nor are keywords as important as they were. Content has to concentrate on the needs of the target audience like never before. Article writing which reflects this can benefit from social media marketing. A social media agency with a clear strategy can then make the most of the finished articles.

Don’t rush at link gathering

Links are important, but they have to be the right links and they must be used in the correct way. The search engines have got better at detecting and punishing bad practice in this area. You shouldn’t write content purely to get links. Producing well-written content generally means you will create some links anyway. If you want links of the most relevant type you should write for the reader and what information they want.

The decreasing impact of keywords

There was a time when including lots of keywords in content was a normal thing for copywriters to do. However, search engines gradually made it so that copywriters had to watch out for keyword density. This limited what they could get away with, and luckily for internet users, copywriters fully realised their obligation to readers – to give them what they are looking for. So, including a couple of keywords is still fine, but anything which makes for an unnatural user experience is a no-no.

Respecting the reader gains respect

One of the important things to think about is how you feel when you read online. If an article has clearly had a lot of time spent on it then you feel that you have not been short changed. If there is evidence that it has not been thought through then you are unlikely to trust the whole site on which it appears. Internet users do not want to be confused by jargon or patronised by obvious statements.

Give information in bite-sized chunks

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that readers do not appreciate wading through long blocks of text. Eyestrain is a problem for computer users and people using mobile devices with smaller screens need snappy content. Articles which do not use blank space effectively also come across as badly presented. It is easier to remember small nuggets of information than to digest larger amounts of data.

Fit to fly in the social age

High-quality content circulates freely around social media. The same media allow consultants to discover a lot about their target audiences. Uninteresting or poorly written content will fail – any social media services that are worth their salt will tell you that users will not want to share it.

Trust and popularity

If you consistently write well, readers will begin to trust a site as a reliable information source. If the articles are written effectively, the popularity of the site will steadily grow and other benefits will flow from that.

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