See a Curtain Call Whilst You Can

If you have a soft spot for tradition and a liking for the classical rules of the theatre, then it might be a good idea to get out and see as much theatre as you can, as quickly as you can. For the theatre curtain itself is looking like it is to have its final bow, before it heads off into the wings forever.

More and more shows are starting and finishing without the device of the curtain rising and, as such, the majority of newer theatres and even those that are being renovated are actually being designed with no curtain whatsoever.

There are those in favour of the use of curtains and those who are against it; the former suggesting that the lack of definition creates fewer boundaries between cast and audience and increases realism at the same time, whilst the latter suggest that it can simply make things less ordered and even potentially uncomfortable for the audience.

However, just because fewer plays are using curtains, it doesn’t mean it is totally dead. Many major West End shows still use the curtain and since cheap London theatre tickets can be found easily online, it doesn’t have to cost the earth for people to get theatre tickets London and enjoy a proper curtain call whilst they can.

Of course, the removal of curtains can cause problems too. Those playwrights who wish to throw us into the middle of a scene at the start of a play will find that they cannot do so as easily and may have to rethink how they write scenes in order to fit in with more modern staging.

However, even with this in mind, it seems the curtain has nearly had its day. So if you want to see an actual, genuine curtain call, finding cheap London theatre tickets now is the best idea. In the future, you may find that you buy theatre tickets London only to be treated to an empty stage both before the play begins and long after it has finished.

you can find out more about the above here

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