Mighty Mailboxes

A mailbox or post-box is an excellent addition to any commercial or residential property. Mailboxes are more secure than simple letterboxes which are cut into doorways since they allow staff or residents to check mail before they carry it inside their properties. Mailboxes can be made from a variety of materials such as plastic, metal or even wood and are often coated with a protective weatherproof paint. The variety of post-boxes is simply staggering- from single mailboxes for individual detached properties or shops to banks of mailboxes which can be linked together in the lobbies and hallways of apartment blocks and available in every colour, style, and finish   imaginable. Communal mailboxes which can be linked together in modular form are especially useful if you are a landlord who is renovating a property so that is of a suitable standard to rent. Too often in rented accommodation where there is only one common shared entrance, which may have a security entry system, the postman has no option but to dump every tenant’s mail together through the main entrance, where it is mixed up and trodden on by several pairs of feet before it can be retrieved. Mail deposited in this way can easily go missing, be discarded or fall into the wrong hands. However, a neat bank of mailboxes allows each tenant to have their own post-box where their own mail is deposited safely and which they have exclusive access to via the use of a security key. These arrangements will save complaints from tenants further down the line, will look professional and lets tenants know that you take their needs into consideration. Furthermore, tenants of less scrupulous and understanding landlords may wish to contribute towards this type of instalment themselves. For businesses and private properties alike, post-boxes are convenient and effective, can look stylish and are also extremely functional and are therefore an essential addition to any property.

Different styles, different fashions of post-boxes

Letter boxes and post boxes are now available in a huge variety of traditional, modern and classic styles and can also feature different grades of security features.  For example, steel post boxes are available in a variety of matt or polished finishes and are reasonably secure as well as suitable for those on a more limited budget. Some firms even produce iconic reproduction US -style post boxes which feature a flag which indicated whether mail has been delivered , allowing you a taste of down home American styling in your garden in the United Kingdom or elsewhere. Some of these boxes are accessed from the top or back but most feature security key access, which offers reasonable security. Furthermore, their steel construction makes them durable and able to stand the tests of variable climates such as that of the United Kingdom. Brushed stainless steel letter boxes are slightly more expensive but tend to be constructed from a thicker, higher grade steel and therefore are far more secure. They also look slightly more stylish and aesthetically pleasing.  A brand called Bobi also has an outstanding selection of large capacity mailboxes for those who receive a high volume of personal or business correspondence which may also include A4 documentation or various commercial papers. These branded boxes are very stylish and are available in a variety of colours. Specialist post boxes which are suitable for the storage of a large number of newspapers are also available, so if your job involves you reviewing the day’s news or you receive a large amount of daily papers at your home address, these boxes are your ideal option.  For those who require the ultimate in security, through the wall post-boxes are the perfect option, as they can hold a large capacity of mail but it is only accessible from the year through the use of a key or security code which is under the control of the occupant or key holder. Therefore, the postman only has access from the front to drop the letters off and only the front-plate is shown from the outside. These boxes can be fitted inside walls or posts and are totally secure.

Mail box history

Mailboxes and post boxes are inextricably interlinked with the development of the postal service and the introduction of postage stamps. Before personal and business mail began to be delivered to private addresses in the mid 19th century, people had to go to their post office to pay for postage and for mail to be delivered; the home owner had to be found so that it could be handed over personally by the postman. It soon became necessary that every private household had their own personal mailbox, either in the form of a letterbox cut into the front door of their property, or as a post box or mailbox on a post on their property which was easily accessible to the postman. In 1849, the British Postal service encouraged all private residents or businesses to either have a letterbox or dedicated mailbox which was weatherproof and could hold a relatively large capacity of correspondence. In the United States, post boxes became a legal requirement in 1923, with basic dimensional guidelines also set into the statute books. The classic US mailbox with semaphore flag was designed by US mail employee Roy J Joroleman and became hugely popular. As times have changed and security issues have arisen, theft and vandalism of private mailboxes has become a serious problem for private residents and businesses alike. It is now possible to purchase post boxes which are anti-arson, anti-theft and are heavily reinforced in order to protect mail. Furthermore, keys, padlocks and digital security locking systems can also be found on some modern mailboxes. Therefore the basic function of mailboxes has never changed although the styles and security features have constantly evolved.  As with all fashions, the recycling of styles dictates that mailboxes whose style harks back to the Victorian era or the 50s are commonly available, although they may feature 21st century security and access systems.

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Spam criminal to receive sentence

Many web users in the UK and elsewhere have been the victims of spam attacks and the authorities are doing what they can to tackle the problem.
In a new development, an individual who was involved in a scheme that targeted hundreds of firms with spam containing hidden viruses is facing prison.
Matthew Anderson from Aberdeenshire used his technical knowledge to perform the acts and he operated as a member in a sophisticated international gang of hackers.
The 33-year-old was caught as a result of an investigation by the authorities in Finland and officials from Scotland Yard.
During a hearing at Southwark Crown Court, he pleaded guilty to offences under the Computer Misuse Act.
The criminal activity took place between September 2005 and June 2006.
Along with his accomplices, Mr Anderson had infected computers using viruses attached to unsolicited commercial emails.
Once computers had been affected, he was able to access private and commercial data stored on them and could also activate webcams.
In addition to this, he made copies of private documents, including medical reports, CVs and wills.
Commenting on the gang behind the crimes, Detective Constable Bob Burls from the Met Office’s e-crime unit said: “This organised online criminal network infected huge numbers of computers around the world, especially targeting UK businesses and individuals.
“Matthew Anderson methodically exploited computer users not only for his own financial gain but also violating their privacy. They used sophisticated computer code to commit their crimes.”
However, he went on to say that he would like to reassure the public that the response of the international law enforcement and anti-virus companies is “increasingly sophisticated”.
Indeed, one of the ways in which consumers and businesses can help to protect themselves against attacks of this nature is to invest in spam blockers and other such products.

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Accommodation modules

If you require quality accommodation modules for offshore, shipboard or any marine installation, there are a few select manufacturers with a background in marine engineering and the provision of marine doors, who also manufacture high tech and high tech bespoke accommodation modules. You should ensure that modules feature fully watertight doors and are compliant with all relevant health and safety statutes and are constructed to the highest industry standards. A reputable firm will construct modules in various sizes, typically from 20ft to 40 ft for the comfortable accommodation of between one and eight workers. Furthermore, they are often available in modular form: so that they can be linked together in different levels and specifications in order to be completely fit for purpose. Versatile accommodation modules are   a functional home from home for workers, so always includes wet rooms with shower and toilet facilities, bedrooms and even canteens. They can also be adapted to include meeting rooms and offices, galleys, locker rooms and laundries. Furthermore ensure that essential safety features and communication features are fitted as standard, including an HVAC system, fire and gas detection, emergency lighting, sprinkler system, full automatic shutdown, fire dampeners,   and PA/TV/telephone sockets. Waterproof marine doors are of course, an invaluable feature and all modules should be SOLAS certificated. If you are searching online for these facilities, look for a firm which is happy to advise you thoroughly before you buy and can provide examples of their modules whilst they are fully operational in situ, as well as reviews and testimonials from customers. Safety, functionality and comfort always come before price, but that does not mean that you cannot discuss possible discounts or wisely compare the deals offered by competitor companies. Finally, seek out a firm which offers a variety of marine products and has a record for innovation, versatility and customer satisfaction in your particular niche of the marine industry.

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Marine Doors

If you require marine doors, blast doors, watertight doors or A60 doors, a few select specialist companies can be found online who offer exactly these services. It is important that any company which you order from always makes safety a top priority although, in the marine business, it is likely that any firm which has a reasonably long lifespan in the industry has never compromised on these issues as if they had done, they would never have survived as a viable business and would have felt the full weight of punitive legal measures. However, never be presumptuous about health and safety, as charlatans can be found in any business sector, so make sure that all marine doors and waterproof doors have the features which you require and are tested to destruction by manufacturers in real life ‘in vivo’  conditions. For example, watertight hatches should include thick cover plates, stiffened weld on ribs, EPDM perimeter seals and off flush lifting points. Furthermore, they should be operated by keys from above and a central wheel from below and should arrive at your location ready to ‘plug and play’. Any A60 and AO doors should be tested to the most stringent industrial standards and the same applies to any navy supply doors. The offshore industry, shipping sector and the Naval forces demand the highest quality products for their vessels, facilities and installations as they are aware that their employees and servicemen perform highly skilled and hazardous tasks in some of the most challenging environmental conditions imaginable. If you are entrusted with ordering accommodation modules, watertight doors or marine doors for your company or Naval vessel, it is essential to make safety and functionality your top priorities. Look around and compare prices, value for money and customer service. Moreover, always engage the services of a firm which has a proven track record for the provision of tough, safe and durable products.

Outsource your payroll and make the best of your assets

Employing staff, especially in the early years of any business, is a delicate balancing act. Depending on which way you see things and your ability to delegate responsibility and effectively spread the workload, staff can either be a costly addition to your business or an essential asset.
At the outset, small companies rarely have enough staff to cover all the work that needs to be done, and the frustrating thing is that taking on more staff can initially increase rather than decrease your workload. Time is also a precious asset which can easily be eaten up by having to manage your employees, provide for their requirements, stay up to date with changing tax and HR legislation and manage payroll and accounting software.
No matter how you look at things, it’s highly likely you’ll need to be an effective multi-tasker while your business finds its feet. However there are ways to make the best use of your precious time, such as outsourcing your HR and payroll requirements to a specialist company.
Payroll companies are dedicated providers of a complex service which otherwise would have to be kept accurate and up to date by yourself or one of your employees, diverting your resources and time away from the main tasks of your business. Many small businesses don’t consider payroll solutions because they mistakenly assume they’re designed for larger corporations, and will therefore be ineffective and overly expensive for a small number of employees. However, at Moorepay we specialise in services for small to medium enterprises, meaning we understand your needs and will create a tailored solution to fit the size of both your company and your budget.
In fact, the costs incurred pay for themselves in terms of time saved, and you’ll be left with enough energy to recognise your employees for the assets they are.

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How many people are trained to manage your payroll?

A small to medium sized enterprise (SME) can consist of up to 250 employees, with the vast majority falling into the ‘small’ category, which implies that there is just between one and forty nine people on their payroll. At this level, managing HR and payroll becomes a question of logistics – delivering an accurate, efficient service with a minimum outlay. Many businesses of this size will have just one or two employees in place to manage the regular payments to staff and deal with tax issues, personal problems and sicknesses.
This situation, however, can present a difficulty when the trained members of staff are themselves sick or on holiday. Research has shown that a high proportion of employees would experience financial difficulties should their pay arrive just a few days late, and delayed or inaccurate tax submissions bring heavy penalties. Payroll is one sector of your business that absolutely must not be delayed, and as business owner, the responsibility will fall on you to ensure that the process continues as normal.
The difficulty arises from the level of training needed to maintain an efficient HR and payroll service. To be sufficiently prepared for the absence of your HR and payroll staff, you, or extra employees, will need to be continually up to date with complex tax and employment legislation, and the latest version of the payroll computer systems.
The alternative is to discuss your needs with a payroll company with every member of staff up to date with this specialist knowledge. Payroll solutions exist for enterprises of all sizes and here at Moorepay we specialise in helping SMEs meet their payroll needs so you can rely on us to provide a solution to fit your budget. And it is worth remembering that once you employ 10 or more people, the time saved by outsourcing your payroll is worth far more than the cost.

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The advantages of professionally managed HR

New to HR, you may be fooled into thinking it is a straightforward procedure to employ someone, give them work to do and ensure they are paid on time. This is not necessarily so – HR and payroll consists of a complex web of policies and procedures that extends far beyond the normal everyday workings of your business.
It pays to implement the national industry standard guidelines in order to avoid falling foul of the law or creating dissatisfaction and resentment in your workplace. This is easier said than done, however, as you’ll find guidelines and policies for everything from working hours and breaks to maternity leave; from pay and tax to bereavement. Worse still, policies and legislation are constantly changing and updating so you will most likely need to learn all of this more than once.
You can access all the information, standard forms and policies to read and implement yourself, but this is highly time consuming. Another way to streamline this process is to employ people to manage it for you, although this can be an unwanted expense which doesn’t overcome the initial hurdle of employing your first staff. Or you could employ a specialist payroll company to take the burden off your hands.
Payroll solutions don’t stop with software, or even with pay. At Moorepay we specialise in providing HR and payroll for SMEs, utilising our specialist knowledge and experience to improve your business and save you time. The hours saved to dedicate to the money-making side of your business easily pay for the service provided and the peace of mind is priceless. You can also be safe in the knowledge that you’re implementing the latest industry standard policies and practices for your employees at all times with a tailored service that suits your budget and current business needs.

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Maintaining HR and payroll standards

In whatever sector, HR and payroll are standard requirements for any business… or are they? Actually, each business will have very specific requirements based on the number of staff and level of expertise available, and the company’s budget, for example. The needs of SMEs differ greatly from those of larger organisations, and as SMEs range in size from 10 to 250 employees, vary enormously within the sector. As a result, payroll services worth having should be flexible, offer a range of solutions and have the ability to adapt as the business grows.
However, some things remain standard throughout HR and payroll at whatever level, namely employment and tax legislation. It pays, therefore, for your business to maintain an industry standard service to avoid falling foul of the law. Legislation can change at the whim of a passing government official, whether to bring extra money to the national coffers or to placate public opinion, and the pressures of a small business can mean an essential detail may be overlooked.
Many small businesses continue to work on the assumption that payroll services are only for more established, larger corporations, and would therefore be expensive and inappropriate for a small to medium enterprise. However, this assumption is incorrect. Employing professional payroll services is the ideal way to ensure your company remains compliant at all times. They can pay your staff efficiently, correctly and on time, essential for employee relations for any size of business. Here at Moorepay, we’re part of the NorthgateArinso group who pay 1 in 3 of the British working population, meaning we confidently operating an industry standard service for companies of all sizes at all times.
A quality payroll solution adapts itself to your changing business needs but should always remain immovable when it comes to maintaining a high standard of service in line with current legislation.

Difficult times: how payroll solutions can help

Over the next few months, lots of businesses must expect to make hard choices in order to continue to make a profit and grow in a harsh climate. Why, then, would a small business consider taking on a payroll company at a time when cost cutting is the name of the game?
1. Improved efficiency. Small businesses usually work with the minimum number of staff required to get the job done. Handing over the complex, essential task of managing payroll to an experienced provider frees the staff to focus on making your business work for you.
2. Money saving. Despite the general impression that payroll solutions are an expensive luxury, any company with 10 or more employees will save enough man hours to make the service pay for itself.
3. Freedom to choose. At Moorepay, we’re well aware that the needs of small businesses vary greatly from one to another and we’ll tailor the service to suit your budget and payroll needs. You can choose from the provision of online payroll software up to fully managed payroll services.
4. Saving you time. Time is an essential commodity in any business and there are rarely enough hours in the day. Handing over the payroll reins means you can achieve more in your working day, increasing the chances of your business continuing to grow.
5. Less pressure. The penalties for incorrect tax submissions, for example, are high, and ensuring you are up to date with tax legislation can be one pressure too many at an already difficult time. Allowing experts to handle this one for you frees you up to focus on the efficiency of your own business.
In difficult times, choosing your investments wisely is critical. A tailored payroll solution will save you time and unnecessary costs, helping you focus on the growth and success of your business.

Shop fittings can improve sales

Today, the high street is filled with a myriad of wonderful shops, all competing for business. If you want to ensure your shop sticks out and attracts more customers than the rest, you will need to make sure that your premises is attractive to passers by. In order to do this, you will need to do two things; sell good quality products, and use only the best shop fittings you can afford.
Decent shop fittings can make all the difference in today’s competitive market. If your shop looks good and is well equipped, customers will have more confidence in you and your products. They will expect a well maintained shop to offer excellent service and desirable items, and so will be more likely to choose your shop over others in the same market.
Shop fitting can be a difficult task. It is advisable that you seek the help of experienced shop fitters, especially if you are new to the retail trade and have never refurbished a store before. By seeking the advice of professionals, you can ensure that the most is made of your floorspace. Shop fitters will help you design the perfect layout for your shop, as well advising you on the best fittings for your needs. They will also install any hardware such as shelving, counters and display cases. It is important that all of your fixtures and fittings are safe and secure, in order to avoid any accidents or injuries. It is also important that your fixtures and fittings look good and will appear attractive to your target group of customers and passers by alike.
At Morplan, we offer a huge range of top quality shop fittings to suit various budgets. Whether you are looking for a suitable jewellery case to showcase your wares, or some nice coat hangers on which to display your clothing range, we can help you find the perfect solution.

Mannequin Displays

One of the simplest ways to attract more customers into your shop is to create a great window display. After all, the window of your store will be the first thing customers see when in its vicinity. A good shop front will make the customer pay attention and encourage them to visit your store, whereas a bad one will not hold their interest – they will probably pass by without a second thought.
Using mannequins to create a window display is a very effective way of engaging potential customers. As mannequins are made to resemble humans, it is easy to style them in such a way that your customers can identify with them and picture themselves in the clothes the mannequins are dressed with.
No matter what you sell, it is possible to use mannequins to advertise your wares. For example, a shop selling beach wear could create an effective display by turning their window into a beach, complete with sand, beach towels, a bucket and spade and mannequins dressed in their most popular clothing. By placing the mannequins in dynamic positions, it will be easy for the customer to identify with them and see themselves wearing the clothing whilst having fun on the beach.
Perfecting the body language of your mannequins is essential. Nobody will be inspired by a mannequin if it is striking a passive pose. It is essential your mannequin is dynamic and life like, as this will draw much more attention and inspire your customers more than a boringly posed mannequin ever could.
Here at Morplan, we stock an extensive range of busts and mannequins which are perfect for creating exciting window displays. Our flexible mannequins are particularly popular as they allow window dressers to create the kind of dynamic poses that will draw customers to your store.

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The CV of Tomorrow

It seems that sooner or later almost everything in our lives will be digital, and played out online. With computers being such an integral part of all our lives and making everything from work to play many times easier, it was only a matter of time before the internet revolutionised the CV.

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The Right CV for the Right Job

When you are applying for jobs, you might not always want to send the exact same CV out for every single vacancy. Certain things will seem completely irrelevant for some jobs, while others might need a particular slant on your working and personal life to maximise the attention your application receives.

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Creating the Best CV

With university courses being more widespread than ever, the amount of candidates going for jobs with excellent qualifications is greater than ever before. The downside to this is that qualifications aren’t quite the career boosting things they once were. That’s not to say of course that it is pointless working for a good degree, in fact quite the opposite. The right qualifications and experience are more necessary than ever in getting your foot in the door, as there will be so many others with the right grades if you haven’t.

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Pamper That Pooch

You love your little puppy; even the ones who can be little terrors still become as intricate a part of a family as any human could. And because you love him, surely you want to give him a treat now and again, right? Well, when it comes to choosing a bed for your fluffy haired friend, there are many more reasons for getting the right dog bed that just wanting to pamper him.

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Paris Hilton gives away children’s toys

Socialite Paris Hilton has revealed she is not all about parties and posing. The 29-year-old, who is the heiress to the famous hotel chain and is also now a TV personality, model, singer, actress and fashion designer, gave away children’s toys to a charity based in her home country, the US.

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Carrier bags

If you own a shop, the chances are that you will need to stock up on carrier bags for your customers. Carrier bags are the simplest way taking your purchases back home. There are many different kinds of carrier bags available to purchase, depending on your requirements and the image you want to project.

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The benefits of paper bags

Most retail businesses today tend to give their customers plastic bags to carry their purchases and, although plastic bags provide a good solution, paper bags are equally as good, if not better, when it comes to carrying purchases from the store, back to your home. Below are some of the many benefits of using paper bags.
One of the best reasons to use paper bags is they have a lesser impact on the environment than plastic bags. Plastic bags contain toxic chemicals and do not break down easily when they are disposed of, whereas paper bags contain no harsh chemicals and will erode much more quickly.
In the retail business, it is important to keep your overheads as low as possible, and paper bags are a cost efficient product. Paper bags can be a more affordable option.
If your shop sells products that are popular with children, it is worth considering using paper bags rather than plastic. The reason for this is a simple one; plastic bags can cause suffocation, whereas paper bags do not so many parents feel more comfortable with their children carrying items in paper bags.
Paper bags are highly durable, too. A good quality paper bag will be just as strong as a plastic one. It will resist rain and keep its shape. Many people wrongly assume that paper bags will break easily, but in fact, they are less likely to get a hole in them than a plastic bag is.
Paper bags can be fashionable, these days, partly due to the rising trend for green, eco friendly products and partly because they can be made to look much more attractive and refined than plastic bags. Consider all the high end shops who use paper bags rather than plastic; they have realised the potential such bags have.
Here at Morplan, we stock a wide range of paper carrier bags, in many colours. We also stock plastic and fabric bags too.

Most retail businesses today tend to give their customers plastic bags to carry their purchases and, although plastic bags provide a good solution, paper bags are equally as good, if not better, when it comes to carrying purchases from the store, back to your home. Below are some of the many benefits of using paper bags.

One of the best reasons to use paper bags is they have a lesser impact on the environment than plastic bags. Plastic bags contain toxic chemicals and do not break down easily when they are disposed of, whereas paper bags contain no harsh chemicals and will erode much more quickly.
In the retail business, it is important to keep your overheads as low as possible, and paper bags are a cost efficient product. Paper bags can be a more affordable option.

If your shop sells products that are popular with children, it is worth considering using paper bags rather than plastic. The reason for this is a simple one; plastic bags can cause suffocation, whereas paper bags do not so many parents feel more comfortable with their children carrying items in paper bags.

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