How to Design PVC Banners

PVC banners are signs that are made out of the plastic polyvinyl chloride. This type of plastic provides a glossy finish, making it an attractive material to use for promoting a business or event. Designing a banner for your business can be a daunting task as there are so many things to take into consideration. However if you follow these tips you will be sure to design a beautiful, attractive PVC banner in no-time.


The first step in designing your banner is to work out where you would like to place it. Do you want to hang it in front of a stall or is it designed to be hung on a wall? You may even want a free-standing, point of sale banner to promote your business. After you know where you want to put it, you should work out the size and shape of your banner. Never guess the size of your banner, instead use a tape measure to work it out. If you want to be extra cautious you can cut a piece of paper out in the size of your banner to check it will be the right size.


Now comes the fun part! Take a piece of paper and write down all of the essential facts you want to display on your banner, like your business name and what you offer. If the banner is being designed for an event, be sure to include all the important information such as the location of the venue, dates and time. You may also want to include the website address or contact details. Organize this information in a way that will look attractive on the PVC banner.


After doing this you can choose the colours and themes for your banner. These should ultimately reflect your businesses brand and values. You may want to use colours that match the logo. Images should be clear and relevant to what you are promoting.


After you have completed all these steps, take your sketch into a PVC banner printing company who will be able to transfer your design onto the computer. You will be able to tweak any details before getting it printed.



PVC Banners at We offer branding solutions for vehicles, corporate clothing and corporate gifts. Look no further and visit us today for Branding Products.