Surfing and Hypothermia

Hypothermia kills more surfers each year than sharks. Caused by prolonged exposure to low temperatures, winds or moisture, hypothermia can afflict and potentially kill anyone, from the hardiest mountaineer to a toddler lost on a winter walk.

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Community Nursing

For nurses who are looking to have a change of scenery, community nursing is becoming more and more the option of choice. It poses new and more interesting challenges than the day to day routine in a hospital might and puts you at the forefront of patient care whilst changing the scenery constantly.

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Essential cat nutrition made easy

Cat nutrition for a kitten is essential; however, there are times when owners start of a pet diet that is not good for them. Cheap cat food with too much salt and fats, low in meat and high in carbohydrates is not balanced, and later in life the result is a cat may have health issues that could have been avoided.

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Sexual Health concerns should not be ignored

Despite sexual health education becoming more commonplace, it is still a reality that sexually transmitted diseases are becoming an increased health risk, especially amongst teenagers and young adults. Whist it is easy for people on the outside to look upon this as a black and white subject, for those who become affected by the fear or knowledge of these types of infections, it can be an extremely scary and upsetting time.

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Liposuction Vs Vaser

Fat removal is one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures around. Sometimes those stubborn areas of fat simply won’t shift, and no amount of diet and exercise will change that. This is where certain procedures come in, and while liposuction is the most well-known, there’s another one that’s hot on its heels. So just what are the differences between the two options, and which one is best? Here’s a quick overview to help anyone that’s on the fence make up their mind.

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Choosing a Plastic Surgery Consultant

Anyone that’s considering plastic surgery is always going to want the best outcome possible. But, some people don’t always grasp the fact that the outcome has just as much to do with the consultant and clinic as it does on the procedure itself, so how can one choose the right consultant?

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How to Get the Most from Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity these days. It’s no longer a taboo that has to be kept behind closed doors, because now a little nip and tuck here and there is totally acceptable. But, with the influx of procedures and clinics on offer it’s more important than ever for prospective patients to be confident in their choice, so here are a few things to bear in mind to get the most out of a procedure.

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The Benefits of the Vaser Procedure

These days, everyone wants to look their best. It could be perpetuated by the media, by friends and colleagues, or it could simply come from a desire to be the best that you can be. Whatever the reason, one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures is fat removal – and the new kid on the block is the Vaser procedure. But just what are the benefits of getting it done?

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Private and confidential HIV tests for patients’ convenience and health

The medical terms AIDS and HIV first hit the headlines and public consciousness in the mid 1980s and, due to media coverage and general misconceptions became a disease thought to be prevalent only among homosexuals. Over twenty years later and with far greater understanding of the disease and medical and technological advancements, there now exists treatment facilities, both publicly and privately, accessible for all people in the UK, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, where an HIV test and after care services are provided for the confidentiality and convenience of patients with healthcare concerns in this sensitive area.

As experience and understanding of the HIV virus has grown, figures provided by the Health Protection Agency reveal that, of the estimated 83,000 UK sufferers, 38% of these are from the gay male community, whilst the larger proportion are heterosexual males and females. Worryingly, they estimate that more than 25% of sufferers across of groups are not aware that they have the virus. These figures reflect how essential it is that patients, both in high risk groups or otherwise, have access to convenient, empathetic and quick healthcare resources.

An HIV test can now be carried out in two ways, the first being the more longstanding and traditional method known as the DUO test, which produces results with four hours of testing and can detect the virus after twenty eight days of a person being exposed to it. The second is the INSTI test, which is the newer method, producing results within one minute of testing and can detect the virus after ninety days following exposure.

At samedaydoctor, our eight UK private clinics offer walk in HIV tests with a private doctor who does not require that patients give their names and contact details. Our experienced and professional teams understand the sensitivity and urgency required when treating patients in this area and offer same day results either in person or on the telephone as per the preferences of individual patients.

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Women’s Hands Reveal Their True Age

Men grow cold as girls grow old, but diamonds are a girl’s best friend… or perhaps GLOVES are a woman’s best friend past a certain age! The derogatory terms banded about when describing a woman’s aged hands can be as graphic as “like a silk bag of snakes” or the old classic “fingers like a tortoise’s neck” Either way, there are two options – take and revel in the wisdom and serenity that apparently comes with age, or embark upon a regime of improvement that can include non-surgical treatments such as lasers or chemical peels (to reduce the appearance of age spots)
But is all that fuss necessary? Back in 2006 the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) issued findings concerning a study during which participants were asked to examine un-changed photographs of women’s hands and asses their ages by decade. The study showed that in the majority of cases participants successfully identified the correct decade age group.

Sometimes cultural divides are preval

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Natural Skin Care: Exercise!

During the winter season it’s horrifyingly easy to slack off on the exercise regime. But now more than ever is the time to keep it up! Lack of motivation (and a reluctance to jog around a freezing, drizzly park filled with slippery leaves!) is perhaps the most pressing issue when it comes to returning to exercise after a break.

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