Creating the Best CV

With university courses being more widespread than ever, the amount of candidates going for jobs with excellent qualifications is greater than ever before. The downside to this is that qualifications aren’t quite the career boosting things they once were. That’s not to say of course that it is pointless working for a good degree, in fact quite the opposite. The right qualifications and experience are more necessary than ever in getting your foot in the door, as there will be so many others with the right grades if you haven’t.

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Pamper That Pooch

You love your little puppy; even the ones who can be little terrors still become as intricate a part of a family as any human could. And because you love him, surely you want to give him a treat now and again, right? Well, when it comes to choosing a bed for your fluffy haired friend, there are many more reasons for getting the right dog bed that just wanting to pamper him.

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Paris Hilton gives away children’s toys

Socialite Paris Hilton has revealed she is not all about parties and posing. The 29-year-old, who is the heiress to the famous hotel chain and is also now a TV personality, model, singer, actress and fashion designer, gave away children’s toys to a charity based in her home country, the US.

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Carrier bags

If you own a shop, the chances are that you will need to stock up on carrier bags for your customers. Carrier bags are the simplest way taking your purchases back home. There are many different kinds of carrier bags available to purchase, depending on your requirements and the image you want to project.

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The benefits of paper bags

Most retail businesses today tend to give their customers plastic bags to carry their purchases and, although plastic bags provide a good solution, paper bags are equally as good, if not better, when it comes to carrying purchases from the store, back to your home. Below are some of the many benefits of using paper bags.
One of the best reasons to use paper bags is they have a lesser impact on the environment than plastic bags. Plastic bags contain toxic chemicals and do not break down easily when they are disposed of, whereas paper bags contain no harsh chemicals and will erode much more quickly.
In the retail business, it is important to keep your overheads as low as possible, and paper bags are a cost efficient product. Paper bags can be a more affordable option.
If your shop sells products that are popular with children, it is worth considering using paper bags rather than plastic. The reason for this is a simple one; plastic bags can cause suffocation, whereas paper bags do not so many parents feel more comfortable with their children carrying items in paper bags.
Paper bags are highly durable, too. A good quality paper bag will be just as strong as a plastic one. It will resist rain and keep its shape. Many people wrongly assume that paper bags will break easily, but in fact, they are less likely to get a hole in them than a plastic bag is.
Paper bags can be fashionable, these days, partly due to the rising trend for green, eco friendly products and partly because they can be made to look much more attractive and refined than plastic bags. Consider all the high end shops who use paper bags rather than plastic; they have realised the potential such bags have.
Here at Morplan, we stock a wide range of paper carrier bags, in many colours. We also stock plastic and fabric bags too.

Most retail businesses today tend to give their customers plastic bags to carry their purchases and, although plastic bags provide a good solution, paper bags are equally as good, if not better, when it comes to carrying purchases from the store, back to your home. Below are some of the many benefits of using paper bags.

One of the best reasons to use paper bags is they have a lesser impact on the environment than plastic bags. Plastic bags contain toxic chemicals and do not break down easily when they are disposed of, whereas paper bags contain no harsh chemicals and will erode much more quickly.
In the retail business, it is important to keep your overheads as low as possible, and paper bags are a cost efficient product. Paper bags can be a more affordable option.

If your shop sells products that are popular with children, it is worth considering using paper bags rather than plastic. The reason for this is a simple one; plastic bags can cause suffocation, whereas paper bags do not so many parents feel more comfortable with their children carrying items in paper bags.

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Getting flawless floors fast

Often a firm requires a floor to be prepared in a way which addresses aesthetic and functional concerns. It is also frequently important that the floor is finished properly within a strict deadline. What is needed is a specialist firm which takes no shortcuts and pays scrupulous attention to detail. Quality should never be sacrificed in order to get things done with speed.

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Impotence in younger men

Erectile dysfunction is often a medical issue associated with older men, as statistics have shown that it affects a fifth of 50-54 year olds and as many as half of 70-78 year olds. However, whether for physical or psychological reasons, impotence can affect men of ages. The main difference in younger sufferers though, is that they are far less likely to seek advice or treatment for the problem.

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What to Do in an Elevator

When people use lifts, even the most self-aware of people can find themselves becoming socially incompetent, awkward and in many cases plain weird. Even with a group of friends, people can suddenly forget how social conventions are supposed to work and end up humming to themselves or shuffling around like a deranged person. So why is it that lifts can transform us into such weird people?

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Wedding invitations due to go out for Greg Norman

Australian golfer Greg Norman is to marry for the third time, it has been revealed.Preparations for the event, which will include the sending of wedding invitations, are underway.The 55-year-old, who only divorced his previous wife six months ago, is to get hitched to 41-year-old mother-of-two Kirsten Kutner.Recently, he presented her with a six-carat diamond ring.

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Business telephone systems for the future

Keeping your business ahead of the competition is only one of the concerns of the successful chief executive or managing director. The other is to keep your business up-to-date with advances in technology, and never more so than in the area of business telecommunications.
There is currently a bewildering array of options and packages for new business telephone systems, any number of which could help you update and streamline your company’s communications network. And as BT prepares to overhaul its entire phone system with its new 21CN technology, you really cannot afford to be left behind in this field.
More efficient connectivity, faster downloads, integrated mobile packages are all features of the fully coordinated business telephone systems in a carefully designed package. They are specially tailored to your company’s needs and future growth potential, you not only achieve better working capability – you stand to make considerable savings in running costs.
Here at 5G Communications, we offer a comprehensive service that helps you through the jungle of business telephony, from the consultation process right through to installation. With our expertise in all areas of business telecoms, whether in business broadband, business mobiles, or for add-ons such as Audio Marketing Services, you can be confident of getting all the advice that you need whatever your circumstances. Whether yours is a small company with just two employees, or a large business with over two hundred, we help you analyse your company’s telephony requirements and prescribe the most appropriate fully coordinated system for your company’s particular needs.
And because we install systems ourselves, we also offer peace of mind to our customers with maintenance packages that help protect your business against the worst nightmare of your phone system going down.
For improved efficiency, better customer care, and greater cost savings, your business can only gain from modernising its telephony system.

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Ensuring the best connectivity for your company

For any business to keep up with the pace of commerce, its business broadband system needs two key features: speed and reliability. With the right speed, you can be sure of maximising your download and upload capability; and through a reliable server, you can be confident that you have access to the web exactly when and where you need it.
Although these are vital to a successful business broadband system, there are other factors that you should take into consideration. An obvious one is price: are you getting the system at the most competitive rate? But you should also consider other elements: can you keep a check on the data usage through your business broadband network? Have you got the right web-hosting package for your company? Does your system support mobile business broadband?
To be certain that your company has a business broadband package fully coordinated with your other telecommunications networks, and maximising its potential for the company, why not come to us at 5G Telecommunications?
We have a wide range of experience in the deployment of business broadband packages, suiting the needs of companies large and small; and with our expertise across the telecoms spectrum in tailoring telephony networks to the requirements of individual businesses, we are ideally placed to discuss all your individual company needs for telecom networking, and to advise on and install the most appropriate business telephone systems package for your company.
When the individual components of a business telephone network are designed specifically to work in harmony with all the other components in the system, you are given maximum control of the network activity; you can thus ensure the most advanced technological performance of your company, confident that your network won’t let you down.
And with us, you can do this all at the most competitive prices on the market.

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Your company’s client base in the 21st century

Whatever your company product, in the cut-and-thrust of 21st century marketing you need to have a successful relationship with your client base, particularly as you see your company through the recession.
It is crucial for you to have efficient business telephone systems, so that your customers can contact you in the confidence that you are giving them the priority they deserve; how you connect to them, and how they connect to you is the way to ensure good customer relations for years to come.
Obviously, database emailing and the company website are the prime ways your business reaches customers, but what if they are trying to reach you? Are they being kept waiting, or put through to the wrong department? Could you improve that part of your customer relations, so that customers are kept happy, and you maximize your marketing potential with them?
Here at 5G Communications, in addition to business telephone systems and packages for business broadband, we offer a range of facilities and products – part of our Audio Marketing Systems – which capitalize on customers’ calls to your business. Not only is this a way for you to improve your marketing potential with callers, it also to helps to project a positive and professional image of your company.
Depending on your budget, we can create this interface with the customer to whatever specifications and in whatever style best suits your business. Scripting, voicing, and musical background can be provided as required, and all to the highest professional standard. You may even wish to coordinate your Audio Marketing System with your website, or with your company or instore PA system. Careful coordination in these areas helps the public perception of company image, and brand recognition in the future.
Help your business expand by letting us help you into the 21st century.

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Telecommunications at the heart of your business’s success

If you want your business to have the edge on the competition in its field, then it is worth considering the telecommunications infrastructure of your company. As you look to make savings in the administration of your business, you will find that efficient lines of communication can help you achieve major savings in both time and energy, and ultimately in expenditure.
Efficiently coordinated business telephone systems can impact on your company’s productivity in at least two crucial areas: one is in how your company connects to itself – how your staff can collaborate effectively through improved lines of communication – the other is how your company connects to your client base. In both cases, if you choose carefully from the wide range of available business telephone systems, you will be able to improve efficiency at the same time as saving your company money.
Here at 5G Communications, we specialize in providing a comprehensive service from the consultation phase through to installation of business telephone systems. By coordinating all the telecommunications requirements of your company, we create a package that meets all your various needs from business broadband through to company mobile phones. This means that you have a telephone system that is specific to your requirements and to your company’s line of business. You won’t be encumbered by a system that slows your business down by being too network-heavy, or by one that lets you down in not being able to meet all the demands of your particular operations.
Our range of telecoms solutions represent excellent value for money, and can be tailored to suit your operational or your budgetary needs, or indeed both. Consult us now about how you can improve your company’s communications; discover the efficiency gains possible for your company; and look forward to growing your business through improved customer relations.

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On hold for profit

It is an established fact that playing music and messages to your customers while they are on hold minimises the call drop-out rate. All sorts of analyses have been carried out on the nature of such music, the content of messages and the voice tone and quality in order to keep callers on the line. The advantage is not only in retaining the customer until they can speak to a representative, but also in being able to market aspects of the business to individuals who are already listening. On hold messages can keep callers informed of current offers, new products and services, and promoting your high profit lines.
There are pitfalls though – if you don’t want to irritate or frustrate callers then you need to do some detailed planning before implementing messages on particular lines. For instance, callers using a complaints line don’t want to hear a message telling them how wonderful your products are. Better to channel assurances and product guarantee details to them. Similarly, if a caller has taken the time to find your telephone number and use it, they don’t want to hear that the solution to all their problems can be found on your website. They want to speak to someone to explain a problem or describe their requirements.
At 5G Business Telecoms we offer a comprehensive and expert audio marketing service comprising all technical and creative aspects. We can help you to improve customer perceptions of your company while supporting your core marketing function. Having a fine-tuned on hold strategy is going to enhance your sales potential. However, there is a fine line between making a caller feel relaxed and engaged, and causing them to feel taken advantage of. Although you want to use any on hold time to its maximum effect, the priority should be firmly on reducing call waiting times.

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